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Welcome to TutorialKit

TutorialKit is an open source tool that enables you to create interactive code tutorials for your UI library or Javascript framework without having to implement the necessary user interface or the underlying logic.

TutorialKit enables you to spin up a live interactive tutorial site in minutes complete with:

  • Code editor with syntax highlighting
  • Live dev server preview that updates as learners experiment with your tutorial code
  • Interactive terminal
  • User friendly “Show me the answer” capability
  • Educational content alongside interactive code examples
  • Single-line import of your framework or design system library
  • Ability to run behind the VPN enterprise deployments out of the box

Getting started

This documentation will guide you through the steps to build your first interactive tutorial.

As the first step, see the Installation page to learn how to generate the project, and once you do, learn the basics of creating the content and corresponding code in Creating a Lesson.

This will give you the basics needed to start compiling your training materials into an interactive onboarding experience. However, you’ll likely want to customize that experience to fit your specific needs. For that, TutorialKit offers a range of configuration and theming options, which we have covered in the Configuration page.