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Install TutorialKit with the CLI


  • Node.js - v18.18.0 or higher.
  • Code editor - We recommend StackBlitz or VS Code.
  • Terminal - TutorialKit scaffolding script is accessed through a command-line interface (CLI).

1. Installation

Run the following command in your terminal to start the install wizard:

Terminal window
# create a new project with npm
npm create tutorial

You can run this command anywhere on your machine, so there’s no need to create a new empty directory for your project before you begin. If you don’t have an empty directory yet for your new project, the wizard will help create one for you automatically.

TutorialKit CLI

2. Starting TutorialKit

After the installation is complete, navigate to the project directory and start the development server:

Terminal window
npm start

This will start the development server on the 4321 port. You can now visit http://localhost:4321 in your browser to see your new TutorialKit project.

Editor configuration

TutorialKit is build with Astro and uses markdown or MDX files for content. You can use any code editor to work with TutorialKit, but if you use VS Code or StackBlitz new generation editor, we recomment installing the following extensions for the best experience:

  • MDX - Language support for the MDX files
  • Astro - Astro support (useful when customizing TutorialKit with custom components)


  • If running the start command throws a “command not found” error, make sure you have run the npm install, pnpm install, or yarn install command. The TutorialKit wizard should have already done this for you, unless you have asked it not to.
  • If the 4321 port is already in use, the development server will start on the next available port. You can see the port number in the terminal output when you run the start command.